On October 17, 2013, RN and Author, Judith Redwing Keyssar, was diagnosed with stage 2c ovarian cancer.
In March of 2018, Redwing experienced a recurrence of ovarian cancer and was once again treated with chemotherapy.
As of March 2019, she is back in remission, continuing to explore and understand a variety of healing modalities for herself, as well as continuing to share her knowledge and compassion with others—both personally and professionally.
These are Redwing’s personal blogs about her own journey through dis-ease, healing and health, from her initial cancer experiences.
Redwing hopes to continue to BLOG, as well as post new poetry
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On October 17, 2013, RN and Author, Judith Redwing Keyssar, was diagnosed with stage 2c ovarian cancer. When a healthcare professional suddenly becomes a patient, it is an unexpected event and a challenge to mind, body and spirit. In Chinese the characters for “crisis” mean “Dangerous Opportunity.” One of the opportunities is exemplifying how Palliative Care makes a huge difference in quality of life, if initiated at diagnosis instead of at the end of an illness.
Redwing wrote recently: “Deena Metzger, author, healer, my long-time teacher/mentor, asks me, “What is the healing path for your life and all our lives that illness allows to come into being? “ THIS is the question she is grappling with, along with the stunning and awkward changes to her body, mind, and spirit that are occurring as she travels from surgery to chemotherapy and back to health on this path that is called the “cancer journey.”
She shares her blog posts here on this website, in hopes that her new insights might be of service to others. These are Redwing’s personal blogs about her own journey through dis-ease, healing and health.