The Last Chemo!!!

It is day 2 of my LAST CHEMO TREATMENT and I am going to say the last ever because truly, down deep in my core, I believe that I am cancer-free and will not host these mutant cells again in my lifetime. SO BE IT, and so it is! In the next 3 weeks the medicines coursing through my veins will seek out any last tiny microscopic traces of cancer cells and dissolve them and flush them out of my system. And then NO MORE INFUSIONS.

The steroids are wearing off more quickly, and my brain power is leaving me as I write, which I know means that the next few days will be spent resting, dreaming, sleeping, and trying hard to hydrate and maintain some adequate nutrition. This next week is the hard part, but knowing it is the last time I will travel this part of my road, does indeed make it so much easier to cope.

Today as I stretched and danced and shook the rattle and prayed, singing, “I am open to receive all the gifts of the goddess—love, joy, peace, healing, compassion, abundance, forgiveness”….I felt a shift deep inside my body, my being. This path has taught me so much about receiving.

I am SO deeply appreciative of the love, healing, prayers, support, food, gifts and amazing energy that I have received from everyone during this most challenging time in my life. Prayers from those I know and those I don’t really know. Healing from so many sources.

And now, I have deeper levels of healing to do within my own being. Working with old emotions and new ones. Re-gaining my strength, stamina, equilibrium. Re-balancing my entire system and cleansing it of toxins. Re-engaging with my body. Re-connecting with my creative spirit. Allowing shifts to happen, as I integrate all the learning of this time of pain, sorrow, challenge, disbelief and suffering.

I send blessings and love to all who have comforted me during this crisis/opportunity/major challenge.

Personal Journey, Twist of Fate


  1. My dear Redwing – Healing Warrior!

    I sense your strength and clarity through this writing – despite the havoc that the drugs are causing.

    You are receiving all the gifts of the Goddess – all the power of her healing. It is so.

    I love you my dear, Jami

  2. Dear Redwing, I did figure it out and got to your blog. So glad for you that this was the last treatment and that you are so tuned into the blessings of the spirit that flow through and fill you with healing energy. I felt such a bursting of heart with tears filling my eyes to read your deep knowing of your body freed of cancer and ready for the next steps.
    Wish I could share the incredible beauty in my garden with you now.
    Love you always,

  3. Dear Redwing,
    I did figure it out and am so glad of your deep connection to your body and spirit letting you know of your healing which we’ve all been singing and praying for all this time. My heart felt bursting with joy to read your words.
    Love Always,

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